Page 46 - REBRAME - Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Emergência
P. 46

Fortes H.M.S. et al.

         In general, EVALI presents nonspecific findings on imaging   Imaging findings usually bring a differential diagnosis that
         tests. The most frequently reported findings are bilateral   includes infection and a variety of patterns of acute lung
         ground-glass opacities with areas of consolidation, often   injury, including pneumonia and diffuse alveolar damage.
         with a peculiar pattern of subpleural sparing and the   The main imaging findings and the corresponding lung
         presence of a reverse halo sign [25]  (Figure 1).     injury are summarized in (Table 1).
                                                               In a multicentric cohort, Kligerman et al. [28]  analyzed chest
                                                               tomography (CT) scans of 160 patients with EVALI. In this
                                                               study, most patients had a predominantly ground-glass
                                                               symmetric lung lesion, with the level of consolidation
                                                               proportional to the severity of the lesion (p<0.033).
                                                               According to the imaging findings, ninety-seven and a
                                                               half percent (97.5%) of the patients were classified into
                                                               the following patterns: diffuse alveolar damage, acute
                                                               eosinophilic pneumonia, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage,
                                                               diffuse parenchymal pneumonia, upper lobe pneumonia,
                                                               and mixed pneumonia.

                                                               In addition, a significant difference was observed in the
                                                               presence of peribronchovascular preservation in relation
                                                               to the qualitative severity of lung injury on CT (p < 0.007),
                                                               with less preservation in those with a milder form of the
                                                               disease. Compared with those without, patients with
                                                               preservation were significantly younger (p < 0.016). Other
                                                               patterns observed were interlobular septa thickening
                                                               (50.6%) and crazy-paving pattern (18.8%). Interlobular
                                                               septa thickening, pleural effusion and lymphadenopathy
                                                               were also associated with lesion severity (p<0.013, p=0.016
                                                               and p=0.007, respectively).


                                                               According to CDC recommendations, patients with
                                                               suspected EVALI and saturation <95% in room air should be
                                                               hospitalized, with oxygen therapy and ventilation support,
         Figure 1. Chest CT of patients with EVALI. In both, symmetrical   such as invasive mechanical ventilation, in a protective
         and bilateral ground-glass opacities with subpleural sparing   strategy, similar to that used in acute respiratory distress
         (arrows)  and  reverse  halo  signs  are  observed  bilaterally   syndrome (ARDS) [29] .
         (arrowheads). In the image on the left, an additional
         pneumomediastinum (asterisk) is observed [27] .

          Table 1. Main presentations of EVALI on chest tomography.
                                            Image finding                                    Type of lung injury
          Bilateral ground-glass changes in the upper and middle zones, with thickened perihilar bronchial wall   Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
          and presence of secretion in the airways
          Manifestation of tree-in-bud patterns in both lungs with subpleural sparing      Bronchiolitis obliterans
          Bronchial wall thickening with bilateral centrilobular infiltrate, diffuse ground-glass opacities consistent
          with diffuse alveolar hemorrhage. Presence of air bronchogram, pleural effusion, and peribronchial   Nonspecific EVALI
          ground-glass opacities in the upper and middle lobes
          Diffuse ground-glass opacities and bilateral subpleural cysts                      Lipoid Pneumonia
          Hilar lymphadenopathy, fibrotic areas, and ground- glass opacity                Pneumonia por intoxicação

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