Page 45 - REBRAME - Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Emergência
P. 45


         INTRODUCTION                                          PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND CLINICAL
         Since 2014, a new tobacco product, electronic cigarettes,
         has been widely used by the young population,         As mentioned above, as there is no standardization of
         especially teenagers, which has brought great concern   substances present in these devices, there is no absolute
         to pulmonologists [1,2] . This new product consists of   mechanism  for all  of  them.  However, devices  with
          an electronic device designed to vaporize chemical   nicotine have mostly propylene glycol (PG) and glycerol
          compounds,  whether or not they contain nicotine [3].   (GLY), substances known for their irritating characteristic
         Depending on the model, the use of these devices is called   of  the respiratory  tract, leading  to obstruction and
         vaping or Juuling .                                   inflammation [15-17] . In addition, PG and GLY do not
                                                               cross biological membranes and may induce a state
         Late effects still remain unknown, due both to the lack   of hyperosmotic stress, leading to the secretion of pro-
         of manufacturing standards, making it difficult to predict   inflammatory cytokines in the lung [18-20] . This mechanism
         pulmonary exposure for the generic class of e-cigarettes,   can activate inflammatory cascades that result in surfactant
         and to the relatively recent introduction of the device to   disturbance and small airway collapse, modifying
         the market . However, even though they are sold as a   ventilation/perfusion regulation and thus interfering with
          safer alternative to conventional tobacco products or as   gas exchange . Furthermore, nicotine, present in more
          a transition for individuals who wish to quit smoking [6,17] ,   than 90% of e-cigarettes, can cause bronchoconstriction
         the early consequences of the use of these devices have   of the large airways when inhaled [22] .
         been observed and there are already reports of fatal cases.
         of acute respiratory failure triggered by these devices [8-10] .  Few patients diagnosed with EVALI underwent lung
                                                               biopsy, but the histopathological findings are consistent
          The first report of significant lung disease from vaping   with acute lung injury such as acute fibrosing pneumonia,
          was in 2019 in the United States [11] . The term EVALI   diffuse alveolar damage, and foamy macrophages . In
          (E-cigarette or Vaping product use-Associated Lung Injury)   addition, CDC researchers have already identified Vitamin
          was introduced shortly afterwards, simultaneously with   E acetate in the bronchoalveolar lavage of patients with
          the increase in the number of cases of the disease [12] . In   EVALI as a possible factor of disease severity. The proposed
          this sense, the present study aims to review the available   mechanism is the disruption of alveolar surfactant, leading
          scientific literature on EVALI.
                                                               to a decrease in surface tension, alveolar collapse and lung
                                                               injury .
                                                               Classic clinical findings consist of nonspecific respiratory
                                                               symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, cough
         This is a descriptive and exploratory study, a narrative
         review of the literature, including studies that address   and/or hemoptysis. Most patients also report gastrointestinal
         EVALI. For this, the PubMed database was accessed, using   symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea and
         the following descriptors: “EVALI”, “E-Cigarette”, “Acute   constitutional symptoms such as fever, chills, weight loss
         lung injury”, “Respiratory failure”, “Vaping” and “Juuling”.   and fatigue  . Werner et al.  observed a lower incidence
         We also included relevant studies found in the reference   of gastrointestinal symptoms in fatal cases than in non-fatal
         list of selected studies.                             cases (53% and 80% respectively), indicating a greater
                                                               severity of the disease in the predominantly respiratory
                                                               form. Laboratory findings are also nonspecific, with an
         EPIDEMIOLOGY                                          elevation of leukocyte count and erythrocyte sedimentation
                                                               rate being present [25] .
         Patients with EVALI are mostly young adult males [13] . In
         2020, a multicenter study analyzed 2558 non-fatal and 50   DIAGNOSTIC AND IMAGING EXAMS
         fatal cases of the disease, noting a predominance of men in
         both categories (67% and 53%, respectively). Age, on the   According to the CDC, the diagnostic criteria for EVALI
         other hand, showed divergence between the categories:   are: history of vaping within the last 90 days, consistent
         78% of non-fatal cases were in individuals under 35 years   radiological findings, and ruling out infection and other
         of age, while 73% of fatal cases were in individuals over   differential diagnoses. However, some pulmonologists
         35 years of age. In addition, both groups had high levels of   include bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage, and lung
         psychiatric disorders (41% and 65%), indicating a possible   biopsy [26] .
         risk factor for e-cigarette use .

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